Only very few Arab Nations and Muslims were manipulated into fighting with the Nazis cause most of them refused to be useful idiots during WW1 and WW2 despite Hussinei and the Germans best efforts see : .
On the other hand when we see the monsters in Afghanistan, the Mujahideen, the Taliban etc that US created with the allies to counter the Soviet Union in the 1980s and 90s, we can see how Islamic fundamentalism was truly weaponized against non-Muslims, the West, Democracies, Freedom, Liberty and Progressiveness. A huge chunk of them landed in India’s J&K when in 2001 USA started bashing Taliban in Afghanistan so much so that they had to flee and took refugee elsewhere like rogue state Pakistan who again thought essential to keep them for use against India. A large chunk of them also landed in Iran, Syria etc, where they further their evil Jihadi designs.
The war in the early and pre mid 20th century was on the basis of racial ideologies, the late mid and end 20th century being a battle of political ideology for Communism and Authoritarianism V Capitalism and Democracy.
21st century has started off with the fight on religious ideology and economic supremacy. It would be the best thing if the former can be nullified and the latter controlled in a way to avoid military conflict.